Players on Van Bergeijk guitars
An incomplete list, when you miss your name let me know.

Popy Basily Model Popy Basili Netherlands
Bryan McHugh Oval Gipsy Ireland " I am delighted with my one and the tone is improving all the time"
Phil Dolan Oval Gipsy United Kingdom "I have been lucky enough to buy your oval gypsy guitar, fabulous sounding guitar!"

Jan Walters Nylon Gipsy Netherlands
Janos Koolen Model Kasha Netherlands
Annemieke Bertelink Model Nigthingale Netherlands
Izak Boom model Kasha Netherlands

Kees Ouwejan Dreadnought Netherlands
Pieter Dillingh Steelstring Kasha Netherlands
Tim Drackert Roundhole gipsy+Nylon Gipsy USA Henk playing his western

Henk Mosseveld Baroque guitar+concert+ 2 steelstrings Netherlands
Hans de Witt Acoustic Bass Netherlands
Maurits Kroon Steelstring Netherlands
Andy Quinn Bigsound USA
Paul Van der Velde Bigsound+Nylon gipsy Netherlands

Johan Struik steelstring Netherlands
Amanuma Yuuki bigsound gipsy Japan
Tim Drackert Nylon Gipsy+Roundhole Gipsy USA
Eric de Jong Steelstring D Netherlands
Tsuhara Yasumi Roundhole Gipsy Japan
("The guitar you made for me is my mate as usual " )
John Scrivo Oval Gipsy+steelstring D Germany John Scrivo with his steelstring D
Masimo Valvasori Oval Gipsy Italy
Marco Kreiken Model Vienna Netherlands
Otto Vogel Steelstring D Netherlands
Ruud de Jonker Steelstring Classic Netherlands
Thomas Logan Oval Gipsy custom USA ,
" This guitar is outstanding. It is beautiful to look at and
most importantly, it sounds great... like a dream. The bridge you put
on is ideal and the fingerboard is like butter it sits so perfectly
for my hands. You have exceeded my expectations by a miles! Or
should I say kilometers?" Thomas
Wim Sleebom Oval Gipsy Netherlands
Wim Sleeboom with his custom Oval gipsy trio "Zazouswing"
Tim and Lawrence

Maurits Kroon Steelstring Netherlands
Lawrence Nelson Oval Gipsy USA
Henk Bronkhorst Oval gipsi Nethrelands
Koji Hamano Oval Gipsy Japan
Daan Smith concert guitar Netherlands
Hans de Bruin Nightingale Netherlands Hans de Bruin

Masaki Hashimoto Roundhole gipsy Japan
Helga Buitelaar Vihuela Netherlands
Helga playing the vihuela in style

Johan Struik Steelstring Netherlands
Kathy Allsopp Bouzouki guitar(Bourine) Wales
Martin Molenaar Concert+steelstring+Bouzouki Netherlands
Ryuji Nakahara Bigsound gipsy Japan
Steve Goodchild Bourine+western+mandoline+12string+ citern England
Thomas Arnstz Nylon gipsy Germany
Sandro Roj Ovalgipsy Germany " Your Oval gipsy sounds the best "
Thorsten Lorenz Bigsound Germany " So I am very happy with it, especially the sound"
Bill Farman Oval gipsy USA

Bert Koot Nightingale+12 string+steelstring Netherlands
Jan Sier Steelstring Classic Netherlands
Ferry Lever Vienna Gipsy Netherlands
Bart Smith Steelstring+Concert Netherlands
Leida van Oosten Steelstring Classic Netherlands

Jan Hertogh Yukele Netherlands
Sugimoto A Oval Gipsy Japan
Adel Faltas Oval Gipsy Netherlands
Sjaak Bolleman Ovalgipsy Netherlands
Leon van der Krogt Custom steelstring Netherlands
Patrick Volz Bigsound Germany
Rene Vermaes Roundhole gipsy Netherlands

Jan Dijker Oval Gipsy Netherlands
Dejan Krsmanovic Big sound Serbia
Kenji Narushima Nylon Gipsy Japan
Casper Leien Steelstring Netherlands